Your First Visit

At The Orthodontist, your concerns and desires are our priority. We are always excited about meeting new patients during their first visit to our practice!
At your first visit, your orthodontist will carry out a thorough orthodontic assessment of your face, mouth and teeth to determine your orthodontic needs. During this appointment, we will gather some information to help us assess your treatment needs. This may include measurements, clinical photographs, study models and a referral for x-rays if required. This would be a great opportunity for you to discuss any concerns that you may have with Dr Foo. Due to the complex nature of this consultation, it will be necessary for at least one parent to attend with the child. No treatment will be provided at this visit. We usually schedule a separate discussion appointment to discuss your treatment options, time frames and financial arrangements.
Between your initial appointment and your discussion appointment, Dr Foo will analyse your diagnostic records carefully and treatment plan according to your specific needs. We will present all the findings; discuss your treatment options, time frame and financial arrangement in the second appointment. We strive to ensure that our patients have a clear understanding of their specific needs, what treatment will consist of and how long it will take.
Sometimes, you may not be ready for any orthodontic treatment as yet. In these scenarios, you will be placed on a free periodic orthodontic review to monitor growth and development while awaiting the ideal time to commence treatment.
In any case, Dr Foo will be in close correspondence with your regular dentist or any other dental specialists to coordinate and plan your treatment in order to optimize the end results.
If you would like to make a consultation appointment with your smile specialist, call us at Gosford or Lindfield; and one of our friendly reception staff will be happy to speak with you! Alternatively, you can request an appointment here.