Payment and finance
At The Orthodontist, we are dedicated to providing the ideal treatment for you, in an affordable manner. For your convenience we accept payments in cash, cheque, credit card, EFTPOS and direct debit.
Flexible Interest Free Payment Plan
Financial constraints should not inhibit your ability to achieve the orthodontic treatment you desire. At The Orthodontist, we understand this and we offer a range of flexible interest free payment plans to allow you to pay for the service as it is delivered over time. Typically, there is a small initial deposit required at the start of treatment and the balance is paid in monthly installments during the course of treatment.
Full Payment Discount
A courtesy discount is provided for paying in full at the start of your orthodontic treatment. This may suit your health insurance or tax situation too. This may also mean that you may be entitled to a tax offset on your net medical expenses over the threshold amount.
Family Discount
At The Orthodontist, we value your loyalty. Therefore, we have a courtesy discount policy in place for treatment of multiple family members. Please enquire with us about our family discounts.
Health Insurance
As we are a specialist clinic providing specialist care and treatment for our patients, we are not able to process your health insurance rebates at our practice. We will provide you with a payment receipt which you can lodge with your health insurer to receive your rebate directly back from your health insurer. We are more than happy to provide you with a statement of your payment if you require so.
Health Insurance
As we are a specialist clinic providing specialist care and treatment for our patients, we are not able to process your health insurance rebates at our practice. We will provide you with a payment receipt which you can lodge with your health insurer to receive your rebate directly back from your health insurer. We are more than happy to provide you with a statement of your payment if you require so.